Biological Sciences 4+1 (B.S./M.S)


College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)
School of Biological Sciences


Ursula S.R. Röse, Ph.D.
Chair, Graduate Program Committee, School of Biological Sciences

Steven Travis, Ph.D.
Academic Director, School of Biological Sciences


正规澳门赌场网络生物科学学院的使命是让学生了解生物科学在现实世界中的相关性, foster scientific literacy and critical thinking skills, and lay the foundation for lifelong learning and meaningful, productive contributions to society. 

生物科学硕士课程的使命是为优秀的研究生在科学领域的职业生涯或进一步的培训做好准备, technology, 通过提供先进的知识基础和生物科学研究方法的工作知识来进行教育. 

Program Description

生物科学4+1课程为对各种生物主题感兴趣的学生提供先进的课堂培训和研究经验, including ecology, molecular biology, microbiology, and physiology. 学生将在一名教师的指导下进行研究并准备论文. 该学位要求在生物科学专业的理学学士学位之外总共修满36个学分. This includes a minimum of twenty-six (26) thesis/research credits (BIO 590), one (1) credit of Graduate Seminar in Biological Sciences (BIO 510), three (3) credits of Research Methods (BIO 503), and six (6) additional course credits at the five-hundred (500)-level. 在500研究生阶段,最多12个课程学分可以双重计算到本科阶段 and graduate degree requirements. 

Program Goals

  • 提供比典型的本科经验更深入的生物科学知识基础
  • 通过参与高质量的研究,灌输优秀的研究技能和科学方法的工作知识
  • Develop scientific communication skills through writing and oral presentations

Curricular Requirements

Program Required CoursesCredits
Bachelor of Science with a major in Biological Sciences108–120
BIO 503 – Research Methods3
BIO 510 – Graduate Seminar1
BIO 590 – Research & Thesis26
Six (6) credits of 500-level Biological Sciences Electives6
Minimum Total Required Credits36

Academic and Technical Standards

Satisfactory academic progress

To remain in the 4+1 program in Biological Sciences, a student’s cumulative graduate GPA must be a minimum of 3.0. A student whose GPA falls below 3.0 or 在研究生学分课程中成绩低于B-的学生将被留校察看.

Program completion timeline

学生最多有五(5)年的时间来完成本科和硕士的毕业要求.S. degrees. After two (2) academic years (fall and spring terms), 已经完成课程但仍在完成论文的学生必须每学期至少参加一(1)篇论文写作/数据分析学分(BIO 595)才能继续学习该课程,并且学生需要在完成学位方面取得令人满意的进展. In such a case, 学生应该联系学生金融服务,以确定这种从全日制状态的变化是否会影响他们的经济援助.


A 4+1 student whose GPA for any semester falls below 3.0, or whose cumulative GPA is below 3.0, 或者在研究生学分中任何一门课的成绩低于B的,都将自动被留校察看. 留校察看的学生将获得一(1)个秋季或春季学期的学习机会,以将其累积GPA提高到3分.0 or above, will be required to achieve a minimum GPA of 3.0 for the semester, and cannot receive a second-course grade below B-. 任何不符合这些标准的学生将被生物科学学院和文理学院院长考虑开除.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will demonstrate expertise in their thesis research field
  • 学生将展示出版水平的书面专业口头沟通能力
  • 学生将展示对生物科学概念和原理的掌握
  • 学生将展示对研究设计的理解,并有能力开展研究项目

Transfer Credit

Students may not transfer credits from other graduate programs. However, if the student has already taken a similar required class at the graduate level, they may substitute another class, including thesis and research credits, in consultation with their major professor, and must receive a grade of B- or P or better for it to count toward their graduate degree.


Eligibility for the 4+1 program

Current UNE undergraduates with a 3.5 overall GPA and a 3.所有数学和科学课程成绩达到5 GPA的学生才有资格申请生物科学专业的4+1项目. Additionally, 申请者必须得到生物科学学院一名教师的赞助,该教师将担任论文指导老师,并确定至少两(2)名个人(UNE以外的教师或专家)担任论文委员会成员. 论文委员会至少由三(3)名成员组成:论文指导老师, and two (2) others with expertise in the area of the student’s thesis topic. 至少有两(2)名委员会成员应在生物科学学院(SBS)或海洋与环境学院(SMEP). The third and any additional members may be from outside these schools or UNE, 但应具有博士学位或其他硕士学位,并在学生论文领域具有研究专长. 这些规则的例外情况可以通过向研究生课程委员会提出请愿.

The GRE is not required for enrollment into the program. 符合条件的学生可以在大二下学期到大三下学期之间申请4+1项目. 


The University of New England participates in the Graduate Centralized Application Service (GradCAS). All applicants are required to apply online through this service.



Financial Information


Graduate tuition and fees for the +1 year may vary. Other expenses include books and housing. For more information regarding tuition and fees consult the Financial Information section of this catalog.

Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog

This catalog outlines the academic programs, degree criteria, policies, 以及正规澳门赌场网络2024 - 2025学年的活动,并作为2024年夏季在大学入学的学生的学术和课程要求的官方指南, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025 semesters.

The information provided is accurate as of its publication date on April 26, 2024.
The University of New England reserves the right to modify its programs, calendar, or academic schedule as deemed necessary or beneficial. This includes alterations to course content, class rescheduling, cancellations, or any other academic adjustments. Changes will be communicated as promptly as possible.

While students may receive guidance from academic advisors or program directors, 他们仍然有责任满足与入学年度相关的目录中列出的要求,并随时了解政策的任何更新, provisions, or requirements.