UNE 全球人文中心 Seminar Series kicks off 4th year in Portland Sept. 24th with live broadcasts at Bangor and Houlton libraries

一个的 全球人文中心 has announced speakers for the 2012-2013 year, its fourth year of programming. 

The Center is a public forum designed to introduce students and members of the public to the exploration of the great issues facing humanity today in partnership with the Maine Humanities Council, and also through an agreement with Euro-Arab Foundation Institute.

Anouar马吉德, 中心主任, says: "一个的 全球人文中心 has filled a much needed gap in the cultural life of the greater Portland area as well as the whole state of Maine.  We offer our programming free to folks wherever they may be. The issues we highlight are of crucial importance to the health of our planet - that's why our videos are watched nationally and globally.  I invite all to be part of this unique experience."

事件 are held on 一个的 Portland Campus, and many are also broadcast live at the Bangor Public Library and the Cary Library in Houlton. 更多信息,请访问 全球人文中心网站.

The first of this year's lecture series begins at 6 p.m. on Monday, September 24, 2012 when the Center hosts Michael F. Bérubé who will discuss, "Bioethics: Too Important to be Left to Bioethicists." The event will be held on 一个的 Portland Campus in the WCHP Lecture Hall in Parker Pavillion.  下午5点将举行招待会.m. prior to the lecture in the UNE Art Gallery.

b rub将讨论他的书, Life As We Know It: A Father, A Family, and an Exceptional Child. He is president of the Modern Language Association, and the Paterno Family Professor in Literature and Director of the Institute for the Arts and Humanities, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学.

Drawing on his work in disability studies and his experience as a father of a child with Down syndrome, Bérubé will argue that an understanding of disability and human variation is critical not only for the humanities, but also for the life sciences and "applied" fields such as bioethics.  

Taking on the work of philosophers such as Michael Sandel, 朱利安·格洛弗, 伊娃Kittay, 玛莎:, 杰夫麦克马汉, 和彼得·辛格, he will show that intellectual disability should be of crucial importance to intellectuals - and that our major intellectual traditions have largely failed to meet that challenge.

Other lectures planned for the upcoming year, planned for 6 p.m. 在UNE, Äôs波特兰校区:

2012年10月15日: Michael T. 克莱尔将讨论他的书, 为什么而竞争?s Left: The 全球 Scramble for the World's Last Resources. 他是阿默斯特五学院的, 汉普郡, 曼荷莲女子学院为蓝本, and Smith 大学 and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst) professor of peace and world security studies, and director of the Five College Program in Peace and World Security Studies.

2012年10月29日: Ann Kibbie is an assistant professor of English at Bowdoin College. Her lecture will focus on the medical and cultural history of transfusion before the 20th Century, from the ill-fated experiments of the late 17th Century to the re-introduction of the practice in 19th Century England.

2012年11月26日: 小大卫·凯里. 将讨论他的书, Engendering Mayan 历史: Mayan Women as Agents and Conduits of the Past, 1875-1970. He is a professor of 历史 and Women and Gender Studies at the University of Southern Maine.

2012年12月10日: 利亚姆·赖尔登是《 Many Identities, One Nation: The Revolution and its Legacy in the Mid-Atlantic. He is a professor in the Department of 历史 at the University of Maine at Orono.

2013年1月28日: 小詹姆斯·韦伯. 他是 Humanity's Burden: A 全球 历史 of Malaria. He is a pioneer in the field of historical epidemiology, and professor and director of African Studies at Colby College.

2013年2月25日: 乔安娜·蒙克里夫是《 The Myth of the Chemical Cure: A Critique of Psychiatric Drug Treatment.  She is the senior lecturer at University College London and a consultant psychiatrist.

2013年3月25日 卡尔·J. 理查德将讨论他的书, Greeks and Romans Bearing Gifts: How the Ancients Inspired Founding Fathers. He is professor of history at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

2013年4月29日: 乔纳森·伊斯雷尔谈启蒙运动. He was appointed professor of modern European history in the School of Historical Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study, 2001年1月在普林斯顿大学.