
2009年10月,正规澳门赌场网络首届班的学生们聚集在药房大楼的落成典礼上. On October 9
2009年10月,正规澳门赌场网络首届班的学生们聚集在药房大楼的落成典礼上. On October 9, 2019, almost ten years to the day later, COP held a celebration to commemorate its milestone anniversary.

On October 9, 大约十年前的今天,药学院(COP)为当时全新的建筑举行了落成典礼, faculty, professional staff, 学生们聚集在同一栋楼的走廊上,纪念学院成立十周年. In marking the 10th year milestone, 学院和大学社区的成员庆祝了使COP成为一个特别的地方的所有事情.

College of Pharmacy Dean Robert McCarthy, Ph.D. FAPhA, spoke of the day’s significance. “I think of the 10-year mark as an important one,” he said.  “像这样的周年纪念日会让你反思我们是如何走到今天的,以及那些努力工作的人们.”

The event did, indeed, elicited a good deal of reflection. McCarthy gave a brief history of the college, 这是在1998年,当时的une校长桑德拉·费瑟曼与道格拉斯·凯订婚, Ph.D., a Maine native and retired dean of Duquesne University’s School of Pharmacy, 进行可行性研究,探索在正规澳门赌场网络建立药学院的可能性. Kay made a formal recommendation in favor of the college in 1999, but the project was set aside for several years.

Under the presidency of Danielle Ripich, the feasibility study was reevaluated by John Cormier, Pharm.D., former dean of pharmacy at the Medical University of South Carolina, who again pulled in Kay for his expertise. In 2007, 正规澳门赌场网络校董会批准成立药学院, pending the attainment of funds. 科米尔作为创始院长,凯作为执行副院长,着手争取资金.

随着科米尔回到他在南卡罗来纳州的家,凯进入院长的角色, the first class of UNE’s College of Pharmacy was welcomed in September of 2009.

In his address at the anniversary celebration, McCarthy fast-forwarded to this past spring when the college, for the first time, 符合资格获药学教育评审委员会重新评审的最高年数及, in fact, received the full eight years, meeting all 25 accreditation standards.

“When people say, ‘Well, how is the UNE pharmacy school different?’ I talk about four things: one – that we’re student-centered; two – the international experiences we offer; third is the student-faculty research opportunities; fourth is our strength in interprofessional education.”  -- Dean Robert McCarthy, Ph.D., FAPhA

正规澳门赌场网络校长詹姆斯·赫伯特出席了这次活动,并谈到了他认为药学院最大的优势和里程碑. In addition to mentioning the achievement of the eight-year accreditation, Herbert noted COP’s focus on interprofessional education, its research accomplishments, 以及它在代表和庆祝学院多样性方面在全校范围内的领导地位. He also mentioned the newly launched College of Pharmacy magazine, 领航员——他认为这是“进入状态并成熟起来”的标志.”

In a post-event interview, 麦卡锡讨论了他认为将药学院与其他药学院区别开来的四个方面, not surprisingly, overlap, if not align almost perfectly, with those highlighted by Herbert.

“When people say, ‘Well, how is the UNE pharmacy school different?’ I talk about four things: one -- that we’re student-centered; two – the international experiences we offer; third is the student-faculty research opportunities; fourth is our strength in interprofessional education,” enumerated McCarthy.

“Everyone claims they’re ‘student-centered,’ but we really are. 教职员工和学生之间的关系非常牢固。. 他说,学院培养了一种强烈的社区意识,这使得学生们感到快乐,教职员工和专业人员的离职率也很低. In fact, 自成立以来,该学院的许多员工都是UNE COP的一部分. “The strong  support system, the community that we’ve built here, the relationships between the faculty and the students, 我们非常尊重我们的专业员工,他们对我们的工作是多么不可或缺, it has all made for  a wonderful environment for people,” he asserted.

Rachel Naida, Pharm.D., CDE, assistant clinical professor in COP’s Department of Pharmacy Practice, was a student in the college’s inaugural Class of 2013. 作为一名前学生和现任教员,他有着独特的视角, she has experienced the college’s sense of camaraderie from multiple angles. “The College of Pharmacy is now a family for me,” she said. “我非常尊重所有的员工和学生,他们是这所大学如此成功、如此伟大的文化和社区的一部分.”

One component of community-building, of course, is creating a sense of inclusivity, and, for COP that means celebrating diversity. 麦卡锡对学院将跨文化敏感性作为优先事项的努力感到自豪. 一年一度的多样性活动只是缔约方会议尊重多元文化主义的一个例子. 麦卡锡鼓励药学专业的学生看到了解文化差异和他们作为执业药剂师所做的工作之间的联系. “I tell our students all the time, 你将与美国历史上最多样化的患者群体一起工作,” he said.

COP寻求增加其多样性的一种方式是提供一个新的高级常设课程,使外国培训的药剂师能够获得他们的美国药房.D. in just three years. The college is currently working with universities in India, Saudi Arabia, 以及其他向想在美国执业的人颁发药学学士学位的国家. The program could be up and running by as early as next summer.

The strong  support system, the community that we’ve built here, the relationships between the faculty and the students, 我们非常尊重我们的专业员工,他们对我们的工作是多么不可或缺, it has all made for  a wonderful environment for people.” -- Dean Robert McCarthy, Ph.D., FAPhA 

正如药学院对多样性的承诺,为那些拥有其他国家药学学位的人提供教育机会, 在麦卡锡的评估中,COP为其“传统”学生提供出国留学的机会也很明显——这是该学院的另一个关键区别因素. “今年夏天,我们有两个星期的时间让学生同时在两个大洲学习,” McCarthy said proudly. With regularly scheduled trips to Ghana, Spain, and Thailand, UNE offers opportunities for pharmacy students to travel globally, engaging in culturally immersive experiences.

The third area, according to McCarthy, 该学院与其他药学院的不同之处在于为学生提供了大量的研究机会. The Dean Summer Research Fellowship, for example, 支持学生和教师在夏季进行研究项目,然后在秋季向院长咨询委员会提交研究结果. McCarthy continues to explore new ways to encourage student research. 他最近提出了一个新的制药科学硕士项目,该项目将以研究为基础,并需要一篇论文. The preliminary proposal has been approved, and the college is currently working on a full proposal for the new program.

药学院致力于跨专业教育(IPE),在周年庆典上得到了Herbert的高度赞扬, and McCarthy agrees that it is one of UNE COP’s stand-out traits. 他说,学院在国际政治经济学方面的优势是在课堂上以全面的方式进行讨论的结果. “人们说,‘好吧,我们将进行跨专业的教育实践,他们把它作为一种附加. The way to do it is to embed it in the core curriculum,” McCarthy insists. “当它成为核心课程的一部分时,这意味着不仅仅是我们的少数学生在学习. All of our students do it.” He gives significant credit to Emily Dornblaser, Pharm.D., M.S., BCPS, assistant dean for interprofessional education, 制定跨专业教育计划,使药学项目的年度学术目标与正规澳门赌场网络其他卫生专业学科的学生参与的跨专业活动保持一致.

药学院不仅在教育和临床培训方面支持跨健康科学领域的协作工作, 但它甚至提供了一个将药学研究与公共卫生领域相结合的双学位课程:药学.D./Graduate Certificate in Public Health. McCarthy envisions a future specialty track in veterinary pharmacy.

Currently, 该学院正在扩大对药剂学如何与一个完全不同的领域——商业——有效结合的认识. With a new agreement with the University of Maine, students can complete their first two years of pharmacy school, take a whole year of business courses at UMaine, then return to COP for their final two years. They graduate in five years with a Pharm.D. and an MBA.

“The College of Pharmacy is now a family for me. 我非常尊重所有的员工和学生,他们是这所大学如此成功和如此伟大的文化和社区的一部分.” -- Rachel Naida, Pharm.D., CDE, assistant clinical professor

这个新项目认识到学生对制药行业越来越感兴趣. According to pharmacy student Chase Palmer (’20), president of UNE’s chapter of the Industry Pharmacists Organization, COP is making strides in serving those interested  in industry professions. 他在课程中加入了新的行业选修课,并相信在麦卡锡的领导下, 该学院有能力在培养学生从事工业职业方面取得巨大成功. “凭借麦卡锡院长在行业领域的经验,以及我们的学生对严谨的学术发展和职业成功的持续追求, 我相信,作为该领域的领导者,大学将能够再添一根羽毛,” he remarked.

很明显,除了以学生为中心和对社区的承诺之外,药学院还有另一项资产, above its dedication to diversity and global experience, 其外优势在于跨专业教育和跨学科学习, and past its rich opportunities  for student research, and yet, at the same time, touching all of these strengths. 这是正规澳门赌场网络药学院的活力和创新精神——它愿意发展和成长.

In one decade, the college has created three internal departments: Pharmacy Practice, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the recently established Social and Administrative Pharmacy, which encompasses health policy, ethics law, outcomes, communications and more. In addition, COP组织了专业课程,学生可以通过适当组织选修课来选择. 新增加的药物科学和综合医学轨道是健康数据分析轨道.

“Whether you’ve been here 10 years, or whether this is your first year, what we’ve done here has had a far greater impact than we realize. 这个周年纪念日是一个独特的时刻,让我们停下来反思我们632名药剂师的巨大价值,他们每天都在提供更好的医疗保健.” -- Kenneth McCall, B.S.Pharm., Pharm.D., BCGP, RPh, FAPhA,教授兼住院医师项目和专业事务主任

Other changes came three years ago with the implementation of a new curriculum. McCarthy says that what makes it unique is its longitudinal aspect. There are courses that span the first three years of the curriculum, building upon themselves with each semester. 它也是教师密集的,需要教师之间的大量协调. Naida commented on the changes in the curriculum. “In my opinion, the quality of the curriculum gets stronger every year. And this, of course, 不是偶然的,而是通过所有员工的持续努力来确定可以加强的领域,然后制定战略和流程来实现这些变化,” she commented. “The nature of the curriculum now is very integrative, and, thus, we all work together on a daily basis in each course. 这么多人一起工作提供了多样化的学习机会,并创造了一种寻求持续发展的文化, which, I believe, is very important.”

另一个可能增加的学院是拟议的“课程”药学学士学位, 哪一所学校会在学生完成药学院第二年的学习后授予学士学位. If approved, it will be a welcomed transformation, as, McCarthy points out, not all pharmacy students possess a bachelor’s degree. In addition to the proposed master’s degree, the new Pharm.D./MBA degree, and the proposed Advanced Standing track, 学士学位课程的潜力反映了学院不断努力适应学生的需求.

Those efforts compose a worthwhile investment, as UNE’s pharmacy students have gone on to do great things. 目前,该校有7个研究生班,在美国各地有632名校友.S., working in a wide range of professional settings, including community pharmacies, critical access hospitals, underserved rural areas, level one trauma centers, nursing homes, specialty pharmacies, federal pharmacies, public health services, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Kenneth McCall, B.S.Pharm., Pharm.D., BCGP, RPh, FAPhA,教授兼住院医师项目和专业事务主任, is one of the original faculty members in the college. 他在周年纪念活动上发表讲话,评论了学院第一个十年的影响. “Whether you’ve been here 10 years, or whether this is your first year, what we’ve done here has had a far greater impact than we realize,” he said. “这个周年纪念日是一个独特的时刻,让我们停下来反思我们632名药剂师的巨大价值,他们每天都在提供更好的医疗保健服务.”

正如麦考尔将这一里程碑视为一个机会,让他反思学院的学生如何以各种方式让世界变得更美好, student Megan Scalia (’21), who attended the celebration, was reminded by the anniversary of the value added by COP to her life. “听到我们获得了整整八年的重新认证,并庆祝十周年纪念日,我感觉很棒,知道我来这里上药学院是正确的选择。,” she said. “I know that this college will continue to grow, and I can’t wait to see what the next ten years will bring.”
