Preceptor Resources

缅因州临床教师资源. Some of the resources apply to all clinical roles and some are specifically for physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners.

Checklists and Documents

Preceptor Readiness Checklist

  • 确定学生的姓名和临床水平.
  • Inform the team that a student is coming and share specific info regarding expectations of the engagement. Inform patients as indicated.
  • 通知调度任何独特的需求和调度期望/需求.
  • 考虑任何通知病人有学生要来. 例如,在接待区张贴打印件.
  • Identify who will work with the student should the primary preceptor not be available i.e. 休息日、病假、假期、替代任务等等……
  • Explore the anticipated schedule/student expectations for the first week based upon the student’s level of experience.
  • 回顾关键信息和资源,以确保培训成功.
  • 复习老师和学生的角色和职责.
  • Video: One Minute Preceptor
  • Ask-Tell-Ask Model (PDF)

Another helpful technique for training the student and giving them exposure to real-world clinical experience is the triangle method, 包括在病人面前展示吗. 学习更多正规澳门赌场网络三角法的知识

  • 向学生介绍你自己和团队,并带领他们参观.
  • 学生和导师回顾对角色和目标的期望.
  • 为完成目标制定一个时间表, 从观察到在最少的指导下进行访问.
  • 在任何时候都要成为专业实践和道德行为的榜样. Be present and engaged, encouraging professional collaboration with other team members. Encourage students to share instances of sexual harassment, anti-racism, microaggressions, etc. from patients or staff with their preceptors (or the appropriate officials with their program). 让他们知道这是一个安全的环境.
  • 让学生参加任何重要会议或独特的机会. Seek out experiences.
  • 使用一个模型来指导学习,比如 Ask-Tell-Ask (PDF) 并提供一个反思的机会. 尽早解决任何问题,并包括适当的领导.
  • Review goal progress weekly to plan for the following week and adjust the plan as indicated. (每周的目标应该在2-3个活动/目标之间.)
  • 与学生一起回顾目标,找出差距, 未达到的期望或杰出的成就. 建设性地分享持续改进的优势和机会.
  • 完成学生项目的学校评估表.
  • 向雇主提供有关训导经验的反馈.
  • 完成任何CME课程作为培训的好处.


  • Identify the name, clinical level of the student, and time period of the experience.
  • 与学校确认协议备忘录.
  • 确定导师和导师的任何教育需求. 确认导师的可用性和兴趣.
  • Inform the team that a student is coming and share specific info regarding expectations of the engagement. Inform patients as necessary.
  • Identify who will work with the student should the primary preceptor not be available i.e. 休息日、病假、假期、替代任务等.
  • 确保第一周的目标和目的已经确立. Adjust schedule as needed.
  • Encourage the preceptor to review key information and resources for successful precepting. (你的雇主可能有其他具体的人力资源政策和要求.)
  • Arrange for access to computer, workspace, Electronic Health Record (EHR), 以及其他入职要求.
  • 通知导师任何必要的培训(电子健康档案等).).
  • 将学生介绍给领导,导师,团队,并提供参观.
  • Discuss expectations of roles and goals for the experience (student and preceptor together).
  • Provide an overview of the clinical site to include first-day requirements (HIPPA, key policies and procedures, resources, emergency plans, 如果不能来找谁, snow day notification, etc.)
  • 让学生参加任何重要会议或独特的机会. 寻找经验来实现目标.
  • 每三周与学生见面评估经验, 确保朝着目标前进, and remove barriers.
  • 如果需要,与学校项目保持开放的沟通以解决问题.
  • Offer an exit interview or survey to the student to learn about the experience from their perspective. 与导师/员工分享任何学习成果,并实施任何流程改进. 对你分享的东西进行判断.
  • Assure that the school evaluation form for the student’s program is completed by the preceptor.
  • 根据指示向学校提供反馈.
  • Remind preceptor of continuing medical education course opportunities as a benefit of being a preceptor.


Preceptor Role

The preceptor role is a critical and integral role within the educational process.

作为一个专业的榜样和临床指导的经验, 导师促进目标导向和积极的学习体验.

研究表明,对教学表现出兴趣的导师, connect with students, encourage discussion, are organized and available, and provide ongoing feedback to the student are considered the best preceptors (Young, et al., 2014).

Preceptor Qualifications
  • 适当和有效的许可.
  • Meet the minimum number of years of practical clinical experience as required by the school.
  • Possess attributes that support teaching and a positive student experience such as effective communication, ability to motivate, 熟练的临床实践和教学, 以及评估和评价学习者的能力(埃默里大学), 2019).
  • 完成这个过程的时间、意愿和承诺.
Preceptor Role Responsibilities


  • Create a positive and trusting learning environment to promote confidence building and clinical growth.
  • 在任何时候都要成为专业实践和道德行为的典范, 展示临床和文化能力. Be present and engaged, encouraging professional collaboration with other team members.
  • Provide orientation of the student experience within the practice including the facility, fellow team members, policies and procedures, and other available resources.
  • 设定明确的期望和目标, 每周回顾目标和目的以取得进展, 并找出任何差距.
  • 提供持续和及时的反馈,以发展学生的知识, clinical reasoning, and critical thinking.
  • Supervise clinical care, ensuring that high-quality clinical care is always provided.
  • 将经验从跟随发展到在极少指导下进行访问, 根据学生的经验和专业水平而定.
  • 提供示范,指导和指导,以提高技能的发展.
  • Address any issues early and constructively, involving faculty, supervisor, or others as needed.
  • Complete all documentation, such as student assessments/evaluations and co-signing records.
  • Explore and connect students with opportunities to shadow other health professionals and meet with community-based organizations.



师徒关系是成年人之间的伙伴关系. 导师是专家,学生或受训者是新手.

The goal of the relationship is to guide the student as they transition into professional practice.


Students often report that they would like more feedback and specific suggestions. 

虽然预计导师-学生的经验将顺利进行, at times, issues may occur. Early and effective intervention can transition a difficult situation into an opportunity to educate. 在提供建设性的反馈或解决困难情况时, 师生互动需要很强的沟通技巧.

Difficult Conversations

Providing feedback can be challenging, especially if negative feedback is required. 在提供困难的反馈时,以下方法可能会有所帮助:

  • 尽早提供反馈,不要让问题持续存在. 注意你的直觉,因为可能会有问题发生.
  • 寻找教育的机会.
  • 尽早将其他人包括在内,比如教员、站点领导或同事. 自我反省的情况/问题,并认识到自己的局限性.
  • Use a proven model for addressing difficult conversations or conflicts such as the SOAP Model by Langios and Thach (Paulman, 2000):
    • 主观性:你或别人是怎么想和说的? Get feedback from others.
    • 目的:观察到的具体行为是什么?
    • 评估:你对这个问题的鉴别诊断是什么?
    • 计划:从你自己、学生和学校收集更多的数据? 通过给予反馈、建议改变和跟进来干预.
  • 困难对话的最佳实践
    • 强硬的谈话:医学教育者的工具箱-给予反馈. (Fryer-Edwards, n.d.)
      • Be specific
      • Tie feedback to learner goals
      • Tie feedback to behaviors
      • “反馈三明治”(一条负面评论和两条正面评论)
  • Recognize that issues may come from a variety of sources including underlying or unobvious causes.
  • Use strong communication skills and keep the lines of communication open at all times.
  • Remember that difficult conversations can evoke strong emotions and anxiety in students and preceptors.
  • 保持耐心,不要防守,永远做一个专业的榜样.
  • Don’t take anything personally.
  • Maintain good documentation.
  • 寻找示范提供反馈方法的示例视频,例如 威斯康星大学医学和公共卫生学院’s Giving Feedback video.

有关导师发展的更多资料,请参阅 缅因州AHEC网站上的其他资源.

Tips for Successful Precepting

  • 使用已被证明是成功的模式,例如:
  • 在临床经验的开始, review any academic goals for the experience and establish a plan to complete those goals.
  • Set aside time to plan the day such as a morning huddle and a second regrouping halfway through the day.
  • 每周开会回顾前一周的工作, 确定下一周的目标, and identify any gaps or barriers toward the overall clinical experience goals set at the beginning of the rotation. 一定要保护好这段时间,以确保朝着目标努力并完成目标.
  • 全天提供反馈.
  • Address issues early. If a difficult conversation is required, consider whom else should be included in the conversation.
  • 要求学生每周研究一个案例,并提供口头报告.
  • Telemedicine suggestions:
    • 确保学生和导师一起出现在屏幕上.
    • 把学生带进参观,就像他们亲自参观一样.
    • 汇报远程医疗的经验,如果它是不同于面对面.

Additional Resources by Topic

Fundamentals of Precepting

Biagioli, F. E. & Chappelle K. (2010)如何成为一个高效和有效的导师. Family Practice Management, 17(3):18-21.

Burns, C., Beauchesne, M., Ryan-Krause, P., & Sawin, K. (2006). 掌握导师角色:临床教学的挑战. 儿科保健杂志20(3), 172-183.

Dow, M. (n.d.). One Minute Preceptor. [Video]. YouTube. (6:15 minutes) 

埃默里大学医学院(2019). Becoming an effective preceptor.

George, J. H., & Doto, F. X. (2001). 临床技能教学的简单五步法. Family Medicine-Kansas City, 33(8), 577-578.

Gordon, K., Meyer, B., & Irby, D. (2021).  一分钟导师:临床教学的五个微技能.

Hallberg, J. (n.d.). 社区导师工具箱:学生增加价值. [Video]. 明尼苏达大学医学院 & Minnesota Medical Association. (2:18 minutes)

Hovaguimian, A., Joshi, A., Onorato, S., Schwartz, A. W., & Frankl, S. (2021). 远程医疗临床教学的12个技巧. Medical Teacher, 1-7.

山区健康教育中心区域初级保健教育办公室. (n.d.一分钟导师:一对一教学的5个小技巧.

Neher, J. O., Gordon, K. C., Meyer, B., & Stevens, N. (1992). 临床教学五步“微技能”模式. 美国家庭实践委员会杂志, 5, 419-424.

PAEA临床教育委员会. (2017b). The One Minute Preceptor.

Paulman, P. (n.d.). 成为一名有效导师的小贴士. [Video]. UNMC的教师视频系列由跨专业教育学院制作. YouTube. (4:47 minutes)

Pijl Zieber, E. (2005).  与学生互动:学生准备. /文件/ interacting-with-students / Student-Preparation.pdf

Teherani, A., O'Sullivan, P., Aagaard, E. M., Morrison, E. H., & Irby, D. M. (2007). 学生对一分钟导师和传统导师模式的看法. Medical Teacher29(4), 323-327.


Fryer-Edwards, K. (n.d.). 强硬的谈话:医学教育者的工具箱-给予反馈.

Hallberg, J. (n.d.). 社区导师工具箱:提供反馈. [Video]. 明尼苏达大学医学院 & Minnesota Medical Association. (6:07 minutes)

约翰霍普金斯大学医学院. (n.d.). 临床表现叙述性评论样本.

PAEA临床教育委员会. (2017a). 问-说-问模型反馈模型.

Patterson, K., Grenny, J., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2002). Crucial conversations. McGraw-Hill Contemporary.

Paulman, P. M. (2000). 处理困难的学习情况. Family Medicine32(5), 307-9.

Pijl Zieber, E. (2005).  与学生互动:学生的失败.

辛辛那提大学内科医学院. (2016). 反馈-来自内科住院医师的请求. [Video]. YouTube. (3:54 minutes)

威斯康星大学医学和公共卫生学院. (2008). Giving feedback. [Video] (7:30 minutes)

Time Management

Hallberg, J. (n.d.). 社区导师工具箱:时间管理. [Video]. 明尼苏达大学医学院 & Minnesota Medical Association. (3:01 minutes)



If you are interested in becoming a preceptor or would like additional information, email Zoe Hull at